Monday, February 20, 2012

Should it be a law the people who stick their kids on ritalin and claim they have problems that they are in?

need of medication for, should FIRST have to be evaluated psycologically themselves to ensure that the problem is INDEED a caused from a chemical imbalance and not caused from environmental factor, and to ensure children are living with adults who are psycologically fit????Should it be a law the people who stick their kids on ritalin and claim they have problems that they are in?Absolutely so many parents today just have chemical baby sitters because they can not keep up with their children. People use to call the behavior incourageable now its add or adhd which is a bunch of crap if parents took the time to help their kids develope the skills they are good at and encourage them to do the things they are interested in there would be alot less children on medication.Parents are to involved with what they want to do or to busy helping their "easy" kids to give that extra attention instead of drugging their kids. OK don't get me wrong some children are in need of something be it medication or councling. But it frustrates me that there are so many kids on it that do NOT need it.Should it be a law the people who stick their kids on ritalin and claim they have problems that they are in?There is no medical test that an average patient can get the detects an chemical imbalance in the brain. While Pharmaceutical companies love to prattle about hormonal imbalances in the brain however very little is actually known about them other than they exist. Still, there is no medical test that can medically establish that Paxil is indicated instead of Welutrin. It's consevativly estimated that anti-depresents no positive effect in 30% patients.

Moreover, enviornmental and chemical factors may well be interdepent or independent in any patient and their family.Should it be a law the people who stick their kids on ritalin and claim they have problems that they are in?In the UK there are financial benefits of having your child put on Ritalin (you get more money for them if you claim benefit) so you can imagine they queue outside the Doctors office for it once they found that out.

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