Sunday, February 26, 2012

Spiritually speaking what is your view on politicians that?

adhere to a religious belief that considers the rapture/apocalypse as when all the believers of their religion will achieve salvation.

A politician/leader who adheres to a belief system that considers the end of the world as a positive occurrence (or at least providing them with some positive reward) would this not have massive implications for their planning. After all if the end of the world is imminent or desirable, why concern yourself with alleviating catastrophic problems, be them environmental or political.

If the world is going to end, and if it provides a positive benefit for those with the same religious beliefs as the individual politician, then what is their incentive to enact policy to prevent such catastrophic disasters?Spiritually speaking what is your view on politicians that?The Word tell us that we should be found doing what we have found to do with all our mite.

That does not mean sitting around just waiting for the Christ to return.

No one but God alone knows the hour.

Have a nice day.Spiritually speaking what is your view on politicians that?The "rapture" can occur at any time, and "no man knows" when, so hopefully each would live his life in preparation. After all, a true believer patterns his life after his savior in hopes he will not be found wanting at the end, so politicians have even more reason to do what's right .Spiritually speaking what is your view on politicians that?Haven't you noticed that politicians rarely go to Church?

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