Monday, February 6, 2012

Do you care about the state of the world?

I'm talking about environmental problems like the decreasing amount of drinkable water and stuff like that.

Personally I don't care since I probably wont be alive when major environmental problems are going to occur, but what about you? Do you care about all the problems in our world today?

I want to know peoples opinions on this subject since I hear these issues on tv and in the newspapers all the time and some laws are also being created to control our consumption of natural resources.

I gave my honest answer and I want yours now.Do you care about the state of the world?Being an aware person, having a sense of morality and ethics, having a sense of social justice. All of that means I am concerned about what humans as a whole are doing to our environment.

Humans are not the only life form on the planet. Yet we seem to behave as if we have every right to destroy the very place we live. That is not only short sighted, it is crazy.

When humans were still in small numbers and technologically primitive, we did not have the capacity to do global damage. At worst we could alter the environment in one locality or one continent. [eg early Australians altered the environment through the use of fire for hunting.] Now we have the capacity to affect the whole globe and we seem incapable of learning from past mistakes. We created DDT, and even now, years after it has been abandoned as an insecticide it is still found throughout the environment and still killing off top predators. We created CFCs and released them into the atmosphere without checking what impact they would have. We got the ozone hole for our troubles.

We are releasing genetically engineered plants without full understanding of what could happen. We are busy creating nuclear wastes that we don't know what to do with.

We are doubling and then some the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere, even though we know it will cause problems.

We are decreasing the pH of the oceans again for short term gain, even though we know it will lead to the mass extinction of a significant proportion of the life on the planet.

How can you not be concerned if you are a thinking being?Do you care about the state of the world?
unless you're retired, or at least old enough to be retired, you are going to live to see the problems.

with your attitude, one hopes that you don't now, and never will, have children.

the rest of us, that do have children, are concerned, even if we're old and won't live to see it.

maybe the worst will be the lack of good water, what with the depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer and the fracking chemicals that the oil and gas industry is putting down into the water table.

with the increasing population, you're going to see the near extinction of the wild fishing industry. the US can limit what we take but other countries have no such restrictions. nor morals. Japan is still eating whales -- and claiming it's for research purposes.Do you care about the state of the world?I do care about the world because its already affecting our children. There's so many new illnesses because of toxins and chemicals in our environment. We need everyone to care in order to make a change for the better for the sake of our future generations. We need to love one another and come together and help save our planet.Do you care about the state of the world?
the earth can last for ever. as long as technology and science develops, evironment must be harmed. however, we cannot give up developing to explore the universe in order to find other livable planet for future generations. we can reduce pollution as much as possible but cannot make it to zeroDo you care about the state of the world?yes i do care about this world...because it's not just for me but for my children and my next generation..Do you care about the state of the world?
Yes i care about the state of the world because it is our future.Do you care about the state of the world?
yes ,I do
i gave honestly

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