Friday, February 3, 2012

Simple and Small Environmental Solutions?

I'm looking for some original ideas to help solve environmental problems. Here are some examples. If someone invented grass that only grew 3 inches tall, it would eliminate the need for lawn mowers which would help a bundle. Also, if it stayed green, eliminate pesticides. Another example, if somebody made a bathtub with a separate tank, which stored the water used in a shower or bath for later use. If you use biodegradable soap you could use it to water plants. or you could use it to wash your car. Chemicals in the products would basically get rid of any dirty water anyways. It would save the water having to travel all the way to a water treatment plant then end up in a lake. But, just small ideas like this. Let me know your ideas! (:Simple and Small Environmental Solutions?The ideas you're talking about are unique and definitely helpful. But along with it, we also have to think about what we can do to save the environment now. If it helps here are some simple solutions to one of the major issues faced by the world today - Fresh Water Shortage. These are some things we can start off with to save the environment. And if you find any more alternatives, pls share it with us!Simple and Small Environmental Solutions?Maybe, we could invent some way to reuse simple daily items. Such as a comb. if it were to break, we could do something with it. Or perhaps, everyone would take away 1 day a week from the computor and TVSimple and Small Environmental Solutions?Have you ever left grass unmowed? The whole plant looks a lot different then a mowed lawn, at the very least there's the seed head, grass would be more like wheat or corn than blades of grass, indeed most grasses used in lawns are grains like rye or oats. One that only grew 3 inches tall would not look like the blades of grass that we expect of a lawn because it too would have all the other parts of the plant just in miniature. Also changing lifeforms is not an easy task, it has literally taken hundreds of years if not thousands for us to get a hypoallergenic cat (they cost $5,000 each) and that's just one protein that we're allergic to. Environmentally friendly homes often do have cistern in order to reuse bath and laundry water to flush toilets, it's called gray water so that's not a new idea.

Look into history and you'll find lots of cool ideas such as the windcatcher towers and quanats of the middle east which could cool a basement as much as 50 F below outside temperatures which is how they had ice in the middle of the desert back in ancient times (they shipped the ice in during winter and the melt rate in the basements was slow enough for them to have ice year round. The people in ancient India used straw over porous pots exposed to a breeze to cool them homes. Ancient Romans had solar heat chimneys painted black such that the sun would heat the air in the chimney creating an updraft that pulled air out of the villas and fresh air would come in through a buried pipe so that the ground would cool the air first. Those pools in the atriums of ancient Rome, Greece and China had complete bio-systems with water lily's and fish because a bio-system would keep the water clean and potable. Humans have been around a long time and have been coming up with ideas all the time, just do a little research into how we lived before and you'll find lots of small sustainable ideas such as rain gardens to promote replenishing the aquifers so the wells would not go dry.

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