Thursday, February 9, 2012

What problems does the electric car create?

Can you please tell me any environmental issues that the electric car might create? Any other issues that are not environment related are welcomed as well.What problems does the electric car create?1. Electric cars run on electricity, obviously, and half of our (American) electricity comes from coal powered plants, while another large part comes from oil energy plants. This adds more carbon to the atmosphere. As the power grid takes on more carbon-free electricity (solar, wind, etc.), this downside will improve.

2. Batteries utilize heavy metals like cadmium that are difficult to recycle and cause many of their own problems.

While all technologies have a down-side, electric powered cars are our best bet to allow us to continue to have cars as we know them for the near future.What problems does the electric car create?
1) there are not cost effective yet, unless you drive a lot or the gas price is really high

2) The batteries are one of the big environmental issues, because you have to disposed them appropriately if you don't want the heavy metal go to the environment.

3) The electricity is going to come, 50% probably, from coal power plants, which are extremely polluted

4) Build the electric refuel station; in other words, a network similar of the gas station network

5) Rethink the power line network, since it's too old an inefficiency.

6) Probably build new power plants (hopefully greener than coal power plants)

However, the operational cost is cheaper than a gas car, since electricity is cheaper than gasoline. For normal drive use 300 miles is enough (for now w/o a network electric cars are ideal as a second car in the house... for city use). It takes many hours to recharge, but while you are sleeping you have enough hours. Also, there are project of have recharge station that they change your battery for another one totally full so the process will take few minutes (however, that bring some other issues such as the quality of the replace battery)What problems does the electric car create?aside from the inherent danger associated with the electric car involved in a wreck (think of those poor rescue personnel being electrocuted when they arrive and try to help) there is the obvious problem of how to dispose of the batteries when they have been used up. as it is now you're supposed to dispose of all batteries as if they are hazardous waste, but people tend to throw them in the trash (with the exception of those 12 volt car batteries.) what kind of hazardous waste dump will they have to creat in order to dispose of the hundreds of thousands of used car batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles?What problems does the electric car create?
I see that you created this account just to ask this question so I am sure the responses must be very important to you. Others have done the same to ask for negatives about electric cars. Maybe you are even the same asker. lol

You have some very creative answers so I will try to add by taking a different tact. We know that oil pollutes far more than an electric car as even the energy used to refine a gallon of oil will drive an electric car further than a gasoline car can go on the refined product.1 and since the same coal plants that would run electric cars, refine oil it might be a bit of a wash except for the pollution that gasoline cars produce. So operation is not much help to us.

Some say that there would be a lot of environmental cost in producing electric cars but if you are going to produce gasoline cars instead with far more complex engines with parts that have to come from far more places this argument does not seem too helpful either.

Some say that batteries are really bad. But Lead is really bad and we already recycle 95% of the lead batteries. When even more expensive batteries are introduced the salvage value will be far higher. But it might kill the used car market if the salvage value of an electric car could never fall below $5000 to $10,000 or more. So this argument does not hold a lot either. So in general it seems that the electric car sucks lemons when it comes to arguments against the environment.

We will have to look elsewhere to get down and dirty about the electric car. And there is still lots to look at. In spite of that annoying record of 313 miles traveled on a charge by an Tesla Roadster (2) there is the problem of electric cars having a low range. It is a good thing that Chevron grabbed the rights to the NM HI battery or there would be more records like this one back in 1997:鈥?/a> If we can limit production vehicles which easily seem to get over 100 miles on a charge, we might emphasize golf carts and conversion vehicles without advanced batteries, electronics or regenerative braking and then say (with a little under estimation) that electric cars only get about 20 to 30 miles on a charge. Trouble is, that those 100 mile on a charge vehicles will easily get over 300 miles if they were to add a genset trailer for longer trips:鈥?/a> So range might be a good, bad thing if we are very careful how we word our arguments and are careful to downplay any of these painful sites.

I would like to tell you that electric cars are slow but you have these articles:鈥?/a> and鈥?/a> and we know how people love speed so instead lets call the electric car ugly. It seems always to work to just call something a name. Some may think it demeans the argument but hey, if there is no argument anyway why not. And for all the people who feel comfortable with the same thing or very little changes like a fin or a light from year to year the Aptera has got to be totally radical:鈥?/a>

The argument that the electric car is going to blow up the grid seems to be a good one. Fear is a great motivator. If you scare people enough they don't really look at the arguments and that can be good because once again you have those terrible studies that say that if people charge vehicles at night we can more than take care of the problem:鈥?/a> But this is not really a problem because the people you can stir up with the fear issue probably won't ever read the green stuff anyway. It may be illegal to yell "fire" in a crowded theater but any where else people are just gonna run. So its cool.

Basically that leaves us with having to look out after our own bottom line. Electric cars are expensive. And to keep them that way we have to make sure that they never become popular because mass production lowers costs. Technology does too but there is not as much we can do about that. There are too many geeks and someone is going to come up with a great battery storage system. We will have to just wait and maybe Chevron will buy them out as well.

It is a great tactic to ask about the negatives of electric cars so that some may respond with all sorts of things which may not even be true.

When we look out over our sky's and see the golden haze we breath we should think of the golden age of American progress and the Internal Combustion Engine. Where would we be today, without the far thinking conspiracy between Standard Oil, GM and Firestone to eliminate mass transportation. 3 Certainly we should back a winner and allow the most profitable and heavily subsidized petrochemical companies to rule over us and "our" government. The most significant problem with the electric car is that it threatens the economic foundation of those now in control. It is a serious danger to the monopoly of the petrochemical powered vehicle.What problems does the electric car create?well just because they somewhat help the environment doesn't mean that they're all that good. especially 4 your pocket!!!! they take up a lot of energy! i'm talking like $600 4 only like 1 battery and only takes u 300 miles!!!! plus they're just plain expensive, just the car itself. and they take like hours 4 a single charge.

good thing is that:

its MUCH better 4 the environment,

makes little sound,

and a good starting torque
On top of all this, consider that roads are paid for from taxes on gas and diesel fuels. Electric cars are free riders paying nothing for road upkeep. If they ever became more than 10% of the vehicles on the road they would need to be taxed to pay their fair share, wiping out a lot of the cost advantage.What problems does the electric car create?
Sure, driving the car East and West may cause the polar polls to loose the north south polarity and make the continental shelves to explode. Please buy a Hummer.
Good for environment but still unclear but surely bad for your pocket it will cot you moreWhat problems does the electric car create?
batterys emit poison gas.
were the **** are you going to plug the thing into recharge it and they are supper slow

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