Bolivian President Juan Evo Morales was interviewed on the Daily Show last night, Sept. 25th, 2007. This simple farmer rose to power, not through money or subterfuge, but through honest humanistic values.
Even though he could not speak our language his clear-minded answers (through an interpreter) brought light upon several key issues:
If elections are rigged, fix the problem.
This is the Millennium of Life.
Industrial capitalism and consumerism may be the causes of environmental problems... so address those causes.
We (diverse peoples) must all live together.
He made campaign promises, and actually fulfilled them… within eight months!
That this humble, common man could answer questions clearly, even through a language barrier, was inspiring to me. Who else hears the voice of reason?
Who else knows... the Daily Show rocks!
Peace!Who else was inspired by the Evo Marales interview on the Daily Show?I saw it! Yes! It was truly inspiring!
That man is good!
His plain-speaking forthright answers are the new paradigm for political discourse. He had light in his eyes and truth in his heart. Such is the way of an honest working-man.
I'm so glad you asked this question! It points out the fundamental differences between our system and the way things SHOULD be.
Juan correctly noted that if, (through Jon's joking comments) our system is rigged, (and it most certainly is) then it is our responsibility to do something about it. Such is the beautifully simple and functional ethos of a working person.
He spoke about the "Millennium of Life" as opposed to the millennium of death or greed. THAT is THE message our leaders need to understand!
He was not afraid to speak plainly about the real dangers of climate change and globalization. Instead of reactionary fear-mongering, he simply proposed that we confront and SOLVE the problems.
Morales also stated, without malice or hatred, that these problems are an effect of consumerism and corporate capitalism.
I wish more people could see and understand this!
The world must be united in peace.
We are on a lonely little life raft, floating in an infinite and unforgiving sea of space.
We MUST take care of our boat!
We MUST learn to live together and cooperate!
We absolutely must renounce war, hypocrisy and greed.
Yes.... I assure you, MANY MANY other good intelligent educated people were inspired by Juan Evo Morales' appearance on the Daily Show.
It shouldn't be too surprising that intelligent comedy, may be the source of truth, ethical paradigms and ultimately, peace.
Yeah... the Daily Show and Colbert ROCK!
I should point out that: honest, intelligent, hard-working, men who keep their promises, promote Reason and also have a sense of humor, not only inspire us with hope for the future, but they make me HOT!
Peace! out...Who else was inspired by the Evo Marales interview on the Daily Show?Alas, I was not able to see the interview when broadcast. I will have to wait until tomorrow to see it.
But your comments do not surprise me.
Juan is a clear thinker, unencumbered by the monetary politics of power. Because he was a real person who did real work, it is not at all surprising that he would have realistic opinions and the ability to get work done. He was raised a farmer in a very rough country. Therefore, it is also not surprising that he is a man of his word.
Oh! ...would that our English-speaking politicians had half of his capability...! This world will be a better place when such people, real people, honest people... hard working long suffering educated people, become the next generation of leaders.
Oh yes...
You are right... the Daily Show and Colbert Report Rock!
This should and CAN BE the millennium of Life, peace, truth and justice! Spread the word!Who else was inspired by the Evo Marales interview on the Daily Show?I saw!!! That man is great politician!
:))Who else was inspired by the Evo Marales interview on the Daily Show?
It never seizes to amaze me how na?ve some Americans can be. I can’t believe some of you feel inspired by this guy. He answered a few well-rehearsed questions for about 5 minutes and you guys believed every word of it. Please wake up! I suggest you read a few articles to learn some facts about Evo Morales, Chavez, and Castro and the other dictators around the world before praising these idiots.
Also, those of you who are so opposed to consumerism you are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites. I bet you drive a car, own a computer, electronics, and lots of clothes, shoes, eat in restaurants (where so much food is thrown away), etc.
For those of you who feel so inspired by what he said let me tell you that I have heard that speech many times before. I was born in Cuba and lived there until I was 16 and the stuff he said on the show is total bullshit. Castro has said the same things for almost 50 years. People like Morales aren’t interested in the environment or diversity. These dictators are elected to power by the poor who make up the majority of the people in countries like Bolivia and Venezuela. They are so desperate and live in such miserable conditions that they are willing to vote for anyone who promises them a better life. It is not until several years later that they realize their mistake and by then it is too late because the dictators have already changed the laws in their respective countries to suit them, have surrounded themselves by loyal supporters and a strong military force that protects them and keeps them in power for as long as they live.
Evo Morales says that he fulfilled his campaign promises in 8 months. Yes, I do believe it. It is easy to fulfill promises when you have absolute and total control of a nation and no one can defy you. These dictators take away the land and private possessions of their wealthy population and redistribute them to the poor (what that means is that the government owns everything but lets the poor work the land or live in the homes as long as they pay the government for their use). How would you like it if you own some land here in the US, a vacation home, or a successful business and the new elected president took it away from you to give it to people on welfare? Well, this is how dictators like Evo Morales run their countries. Morales has already nationalized the gas and mining industries in his country by presidential decree.
Dictators like Evo Morales believe in social equality, to them that means that everyone should be poor and the government should own everything, that people should not have voting rights, freedom of speech or assembly, or own private property.
These dictators shut down TV stations that speak out against them or their governments. They change school curriculums and threaten to close private schools that refuse to accept their ideology and incarcerate or kill citizens who dare to speak out against them.
This is someone who hates the US and everything this country stands for like human rights and democracy. He has called capitalism "the worst enemy of humanity" and the Free Trade Area of the Americas "an agreement to legalize the colonialization of the Americas."
I refer to Evo Morales as a dictator not because his people didn’t vote for him democratically but because after he was elected he began to violate people’s rights and the laws of his own country.
Evo Morales is a close ally of Castro and Chavez, two of the worst dictators in the world. When Jorge Ramos, Univision's (Spanish channel) nightly news anchorman asked him whether he thought Fidel Castro was a dictator he responded, “To me, Fidel Castro is a democrat that defends life and cares about human beings, if you think he’s a dictator that’s your problem, not mine.” If Evo Morales thinks that Castro is a democrat that should tell you something about the man.
Also, you should know that Morales as do most Bolivians view the coca plant as an important part of their country’s economy. “In its natural form, many Bolivians use coca for medicinal purposes but it can also be refined to produce cocaine. The production of coca in Bolivia is extremely popular, hundreds of hectares of forest are being cut yearly for the cultivation of the plant and millions of toxic chemicals are being dumped into rivers and lands as a result of the increasing use of pesticides and manufacturing of cocaine”. Most of the cocaine refined from Bolivia’s coca leaf is consumed in the United States and yet Evo Morales has been an outspoken critic of U.S. drug policy and of U.S.-backed coca eradication programs.
I guaranteed you that people like Morales and Chavez will very soon bring nothing but more misery, poverty and repression to their people. I have already seen on TV several big protests from the people of Bolivia and Venezuela where people have been killed or seriously hurt by the military sent in to disperse the crowds and suppress their protests and it will only get worse in years to come.
This is the kind of men you all seem to admire. If that’s still the case, then I feel sorry for you. I hope none of you ever have to live in a country run by a dictator. Believe me if you ever do, you will never, ever again praise them the way you have here.
Those of you who love to complain about our government and the injustices in this country I tell you that few of you are aware or have experienced in person what real injustice is so instead of complaining so much, thank the fact that you live in a democracy and enjoy so many freedoms and be a bit more appreciative of what you have.
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