Saying that Environmentalists efforts to be informative and instructive ,had a negative effect.
When he had many (long) answers ,
his reaction was to delete the question.
Proving yet again that he was probably right.
And we waste our time giving detailed answers.
makes one wonder Why this is called the Category of Environment .
it should be called Eco bashingDoes Religion solve the problems by deleting them from the texts??You could not be more wrong. I am one of 'I believe' 's contacts. He really wanted to have a real discussion but couldn't because the question was deleted. I read your question and wrote him about it. He wrote back and forward the message from Yahoo, and added that you had even blocked him from telling you he did not delete the question.
I for one know that you have far more to fear from people like your first answerer than you do with anyone who is a real follower of Christ. They are the ones who do not want a planed, get to the truth that we all can live with solution. God gave Adam the job of Caretaker of the Garden of Eden. Not the abuser. In many of Jesus's parables, he thought about being 'good stewards' of what we had been given. both in terms of Money, position and yes the world we live in. That is never to be misunderstood as to say a tree, snail, frog or what ever has more value than a human life, but it does not make them any-less valuable.
You are just wrong on your view of ' I believe' He didn't shut down the debate, those who only have the knee jerk," if we don't act now we are all doomed" mentality are to blame.
read for yourself
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Yahoo! Customer CareDoes Religion solve the problems by deleting them from the texts??
Thanks bydie.
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Does Religion solve the problems by deleting them from the texts??The Bible says God gave man dominion over birds, beasts and fish. The fundamentalists believe this, as they also believe that God will rapture the faithful.Which is why they don't really give much of a hoot about mans effect on the environment, they think they are on a fast track to heaven which will leave all the non believers behind, stewing in our own juices.
They have sites counting down to the apocalypse, and cheer every piece of news that suggests war in the middle east, as they believe when that happens, the rapture will come.
So it's not really too surprising they behave as they do.
And we sit here patiently, tapping our feet, waiting for them to Get Raptured.....Does Religion solve the problems by deleting them from the texts??
When I believe I don't need reasons!
EDIT: It seems that this question was deleted by the 'community' Dr Blob has asked him to re-ask, it would be good if you would answer it again, I am going to.Does Religion solve the problems by deleting them from the texts??Religion is not out on the yahoo forums to delete texts. Now on the other hand I am sure there are those who are what you would define religious, that would delete texts. I would request that you not lump everyone in one basket. I am Catholic and have disagreed with statements and I don't go around deleting them on this forum or others. If you want to give detailed answers that is up to you, however I find the short to the point answers more interesting. I also find the cut and past repeat answers to be mundane and not original.
Sorry to disappoint you there bud, but 'I believe' doesn't delete questions/ answers. It almost certainly was several of this sections 'top contributor' or as it should read 'Top Conspirators'
You might not like his answers, but he does believe in free speech something most radical environmentalist loath.Does Religion solve the problems by deleting them from the texts??
probaly not
Take a pill man. Lets try to engage. I admit that was my first thought when the question was deleted, I've seen it happen first hand here. But not this time, he referenced other users and that an automatic delete from the net nanny.
I asked him to rephrase the question and re-post.
To answer your question, someone here said (I can't find it right now)
...they can't get over the fact that they're no longer the center of the universe...
Can't say it any better than that.Does Religion solve the problems by deleting them from the texts??
Any realistic and informative answer to the delirious effects of deterioration of environment ,just cannot be thought to be negative in sense.Only a non-religious person can go against the natures response to the problems of the environment.Reality cannot be brushed under the carpet,it should rather be appreciated.
Calling it Eco bashing is also wrong.Rather it may be termed as lack of clarity and blindness for the devastation's being caused by the Environmental disorder.
So religion has got nothing to do with it.
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