Friday, February 3, 2012

What do you believe. Someone is born with mental frustration or it comes through environmental factors?

Do you think that someone can be perfectly sane and then start to lose it when they've been admitted to a rehabilitation center with no actual problems? I think a similar question is do you think someone can develop a disease if they've never had it or had anyone in their family have it but they get it from taking medication prescribed for it? I understand that the human mind is a very complex organ, creation; What are you opinions and beliefs on this.What do you believe. Someone is born with mental frustration or it comes through environmental factors?Its probably a combination of nature (genetics) and nurture (environmental factors). I don't think someone would be admitted to a rehab centre unless they had major problems already that needed to be treated. A lot of addicts are in denial of their addiction ie they don't believe they are addicted and that they could control their habit should they want to when clearly they are hooked!

I don't think you could develop a disease by taking medication prescribed for it. Of course you could get a disease if you or your family haven't had it-new diseases occur all the time but it usually is to do with lifestyle factors eg stress, smoking, alcoholism or just binge drinking, bad diet, no exercise etc.

Also diseases can skip a generation if they are inherited-eg a grandparent could get cancer, then their children would be fine, but the grandchildren might get it. Theres nothing you can do about genetic factors- you just have to accept it and work on the environmental factors. However, knowing your family's health history is important so you know what potential health risks you have and how to minimise them.

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