I wonder what your all opinion on them. I been studying there moment and ideology and find them very there knowledge and ideals strange and contradicting. most vegan and vegetarians follow the primitive group ideology People are asked not to make up their own minds based on analysis of the of animal problems but to give up their individual critical thinking and follow charismatic leader or. Vegans are based on strong emotions, passions. So, don't last long, usually unless they have an enemy focuson to keep the pot boiling. People who eat meat, use animal products or hunt seem a convenient target for attention. While not actually benefiting animal or helping to protect wild life homes and better understanding of animal conservation.It seems that some animal rights activists have taken up their cause because they are emotionally immature and are acting out repressed rage and hatred from emotional wounds from human abuse or from failed love seeing the plight of defenseless animals asHow do people of science, biology, environmental science, conservation etc feel about vegans and Vegetarians?A vegetarian diet places less demand on the food producing capacity of the earth. It takes much less farmland to feed a person than to feed a cow and feed the meat to a person. If someone convinced you that eating a cow means you might be eating your dead mother, you would consider being a vegetarian. There is no Biblical requirement to do so. Some follow a vegetarian fad as they would some other diet fad. People in western societies, without a history and tradition of vegetarian diet, seldom bother to learn how to make a vegetarian diet adequate and healthy, so they are not properly nourished. The current attention to humane treatment of animals is largely independent of any vegetarian-driven source.
Do you have any basis for presuming the motives and psychology of vegetarians? Other than the reincarnation argument, I suspect this choice is much less a groupthink choice than many others. Why are you so emotionally worked up on this issue?How do people of science, biology, environmental science, conservation etc feel about vegans and Vegetarians?
Hey, I'm a vegan and my dad is a hunter, I rather my dad kill and eat animals who live free than animals who suffer in factory farms.
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How do people of science, biology, environmental science, conservation etc feel about vegans and Vegetarians?Obviously, not all scientists share one single opinion on this or any other moral question. I eat meat. I know scientists who are vegans. I respect their beliefs so long as they don't try to force them on others.How do people of science, biology, environmental science, conservation etc feel about vegans and Vegetarians?
I don't know whether this is really what you're asking, but from a biological point of view, there is nothing inherently "wrong" about eating meat. Lots and lots of animals do it. Our closest relatives the chimpanzees are certainly omnivores, so there's no biological reason we shouldn't be.
Personally, my main concern is animal welfare and so while I do eat meat, I only eat the meat of animals that have been raised free-range.How do people of science, biology, environmental science, conservation etc feel about vegans and Vegetarians?Why would any sane person care who eats meat and who is a vegetarian ? Although I`m not a vegetarian , I feel a vegetarian diet is healthier and much better for you than a non-vegetarian diet .
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