Monday, January 30, 2012

Can you sum up China's environmental problem?

I'm reading through some articles on it but they are all very specific and I just can't get the "jist" of it.

Thanks :)Can you sum up China's environmental problem?I don't think man of action knows anything about America but he is correct about the use of China's plentiful coal supply as fuel. China is famous for many industrial products that all use coal as part of their process. Cars are now clogging the highways and power plants are built at a record pace. Every non-coastal city has bad polution problems now. Very scary.Can you sum up China's environmental problem?They burn coal for 70-80% of their energy needs. If you can imagine the enourmouty of this just think that the three gourges damn also produces energy, but less than 15%. If you've ever driven down the country-side roads you'll see the plastic bag issue. They produce hundreds of billions of plastic bags every year. As does america.

They have a lot of toxic wastes draining directly into the ocean and also groundwater. Literally 80% of their groundwater is so contaminated that it cannot be safely used.

Regulations are improving slowly, but the reality is, why should China have to pay high prices to use cleaner forms of industrialization and developement when the rest of the world didn't have to. America enjoyed destoying the environment at a benifit to the profits of corporations, why should China have to pay exorbitant fees to clean up their development?

Anyway, the coal burning and increasing numbers of cars on the road are making air conditions unbearable in many areas. Although they do a good job of recycling most things since the poorest of the unemployed search the streets and garbage cans around towns all day looking for every kind of recyclable material imaginable. That's a broad, general and naked eye summing up of the environmental problem in China. Don't quote the percentages.

EDIT: That's funny :0)Can you sum up China's environmental problem?Besides a growing industrial economy spewing all kinds of carbon pollutants in the air from the burning of fossil fuels, the most threatening environmental issue to China itself is desertifcation and soil erosion. Over a third of their land suffers from it. It is due to a poorly designed irrigation infrastructure under Chairman Mao's regime. The major concern is while soil erosion continues, available farming land declines and then, so does the food supply. Not good.

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