Friday, January 27, 2012

Which presidential candidate will do more for the world?

Hello I am going to be voting for the first time in November and I want to know which presidential candidate you think will do more for the world, not our country. I am not interested in societal issues, law issues, or economic issues that only relate to our country. Which president will help solve world poverty, world environmental problems, etc? I am not interested in parties other than the big 2, because I want to vote for someone who can actually win.Which presidential candidate will do more for the world?I think it is obamaWhich presidential candidate will do more for the world?
RON PAULWhich presidential candidate will do more for the world?Which President will do more for the world? Who gives a flying ****?

Screw them. We have spent the last 200 years helping, supporting, babysitting, protecting, promoting, and sustaining the rest of the world and the only thanks we get is a big FU from them whenever we need anything. The only countries which are actually our friends are Japan and Israel... the rest can go to **** for all I and the rest of the real Americans care.

The job of the President is clearly laid out in the US Constitution...

And it does not give him any responsibility for foreign aid.Which presidential candidate will do more for the world?
It sure isn't McCain. He might help continue giving the rich more money but he isn't going to help society one bit, other than overturn Roe V Wade!Which presidential candidate will do more for the world?The person who will do more to positively affect the world is John McCain. Platitudes and feel good rhetoric will not free the millions who live under tyranny and pouring millions into anti-poverty programs at home and abroad will not end povery unless we change the cultures that promote generational poverty. Obama is a feel good, emotion grabbing candidate whose policies will NOT change the world in a positive manner- at best they will cover up problems (as throwing money alone often does) making it harder to actually solve the problems.

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