Friday, January 27, 2012

If you had to focus on a single aspect of environmental degradation...?

If you had to focus on a single aspect of environmental degradation- air pollution; water, soil, or forest problems; solid, toxic, or nuclear waste disposal- which would it be and why? What would you do to make people aware of the seriousness of the problem? What new solutions could you propose?If you had to focus on a single aspect of environmental degradation...?Air pollution, specifically the rising amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere. Not only does it contribute to global warming by trapping out going radiation, but global warming will devastate coastal habitats and also terrestrial environments at high latitudes. It will cause shifts in species ranges and has also caused problems such as coral bleaching and die-offs. Furthermore, a less known fact is that increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide results in more acidic oceans--at the rate it is increasing, we will have made the oceans too acidic for any corals to thrive within the next 100 years. This will also do a number on bivalve populations and untold other organisms that need calcium carbonate.

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