Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Possible resolution to the immigration problem, what do you think?

I have come up with a pausible solution that may be supported by many Americans. Here it is: Extend our borders to Panama, make Mexico a Territory of the United States, like we did with Puerto Rico and other providences. We already inadvertently have billions of American earned dollars floating their economy. We will increase economic trade, help with environmental problems, increase agriculture, education and viable space, not to mention the use of resources found south of our border. This also decreases the area of border between countries to patrol.Possible resolution to the immigration problem, what do you think?That's pretty good but as for as the resources we already have plenty of raw sewage, stray dogs, and prostitutesPossible resolution to the immigration problem, what do you think?
Very funny. you cant even take care of your own territory, and want more?? its more easily that United states come to be a part of Mexico. actually, its already happening......Possible resolution to the immigration problem, what do you think?Would you extend social security and other welfare benefits to this new sector of society that will likely debit more than credit those programs for the long-term?

Let's face it, the central American landscape is good for natural resources and cheap labor. Making it a territorial mandate or worse yet a state within the US is disastrous if you make everyone a citizen and grant them benefits under state and federal law.

It's time these banana republics move into the 20th (let alone the 21st) century and build up infrastructure, education and social programs that uplift the population's condition and faith in themselves. That's not America's job. We help more than we are able to or should. Thankfully the Panamanians are widening the Canal, so goods will be cheaper coming through and maybe then we can allay some of the labor cost pressures that force us to bring in illegals or ship out jobs. There's no easy fix, but that doesn't mean we should ignore the whole problem, or takeover another third of the hemisphere.Possible resolution to the immigration problem, what do you think?
Never. We do not want Mexico and all of its problems. If we stop allowing illegals to come here, they will have to fix their own problems.Possible resolution to the immigration problem, what do you think?your kidding right? You ever been to Mexico? Good luck getting them to follow the laws of the U.S.. We would just end up in another civil war.
Back to the drawing board.Possible resolution to the immigration problem, what do you think?
Bring it up to Fox, and Congress
why dont we just take over the whole world and be done with itPossible resolution to the immigration problem, what do you think?
Yes, a basic Redneck solution as usual. I agree with the first answer. I guess you want to invade the rest of the world and take their culture away from them too right?
But just imagine having to tackle the corruption in the Mexican government, the rampant poverty, the language barrier, the integration of the school system, and the myriad other problems that would inevitably present themselves. The negatives would vastly outweigh the positives.

Besides, Mexico has its own culture and identity, and it smacks of "manifest destiny" to suggest that we have the right to take over other countries.

but do you really think the Mexican gov. is going to say yes, and our economy would be messed up.
Yeah, right.
I'M very happy you came up with this solution on your own,,, its a good thing i didn't revel the whole concept to you in my answer on the other page, i gave you just enough to get you some bad feed back, its clear you must be from the political arena looking for what new ideas you can steal because you have none of your own, politicians have only a one track mind they can't multi task without help,,, to steal is their main agenda,,, all the same helpless in other fields of judgment,, i am capable of cleaning up this country and ridding it of political bums, in one year i can make this country respected again, and not so messed up as the system is now, in time i will win and at that point you and 2000 more like you will be looking for a new job at K-MART where you belong,---- the days of the politician are soon to be a thing of the past.......... fearless leader.
Our country can't get anymore corrupt ..but no absolutely not...you sound like that bunch of criminals in our government! Give our country away.?????
Make Mexico a territory? You want to see a war? They want our assets, resources, work, but not our taxes or will they ever be loyal. They want from us, not give to us.
Uuh duh uh, should we do the same for all duh uh uh-ther immigrants as well?
a very Redneck american solution, as usual.
Unfortunately, the international corporations who are running the show benefit from the border, so forget it. This is how the minimum wage is kept down and how "the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer".

Another perspective to ponder is that if any other country did what illegal Mexican immigrants are doing they would be considered terrorists. They blatently state that they are just taking back what was theirs. (admitting they are a threat.)

They pump out as many babies as they can, just to get the benefits of legal citizenship, such as medical, food and housing. There is power in numbers. Now they are saying that there is not enough representation in legislation and they need to get more representation in legislative positions.

Time will unfortunately unveil the truth.

I don't mind legal immigration. These are people who refuse to speak our language and demand that we pay their way. We can't afford them and this further benefits the international corporations.

Remember, it's all about the almighty 'stockholder share value'.
That's the best suggestion I've heard. Don't think their president will go for that though. Great idea though.
Won't work.
wow it might really work and i thaught you was gonna say somthin mean when i clicked on this question
Sounds good......... lets include Canada in our annexation. But why stop there...... take over the whole planet, rename it Planet America! Next stop.... Mars :)
why do you insist in being so stupid??

sorry but in all countries are nice and bad people, not all american are intelligent and respect the law, is the same in mexico i apreciate a lot people from the states i respect the law i like studing, i paid my bills, if you came to mexico and don't respect the law is because you are not an honest person.
Lol what would we name it. I know we could name it STUPID *** after you
Not hardley. The corruption is so bad we'd be in a civil war. We're dealing with enough of their headaches already.

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