Monday, January 30, 2012

What were the environmental concerns to drilling off the two coasts that caused the original ban?

Why did Bush One, being an oil man, agree to the ban in the first place if there are no serious enviromental problems with drilling in these areas?What were the environmental concerns to drilling off the two coasts that caused the original ban?There have been numerous oil spills and there is a risk that the Federal Government could impose drilling on the States, although I doubt it with Bush out of office.The solution is price controls, nationalization, better relations with Venezuela, alternate fuels and CONSERVATION.What were the environmental concerns to drilling off the two coasts that caused the original ban?
Well he just lifted a ban the other week.

Fact of the matter is, we can drill environmentally safe and clean.

It won't solve all of energy problem, BUT IT WILL DEFINITELY HELP!

We need a mix of solutions to become energy independent.

Oil, alternative fuels, conservation.....

Only saying alternative fuels will solve the problem won't.What were the environmental concerns to drilling off the two coasts that caused the original ban?I can't give you any proof, but if someone knew how to access the info, I'm sure they'd find the ban was originally tied to political policies with the Middle East. They said, stop drilling for your own oil and buy ours or ELSE! The war is tied to oil, politics is tied to oil, our lives are tied to oil. Why do you think we're having such a hard time with this 'gas crisis'. The U.S. needs to separate from the dependency on the Middle East and take care of its own with alternate sources of energy. If we can develop rocket ships, why can't we build cars that don't run on gasoline? Other countries have done it, why can't we? Maybe because there's too much sneaky politics going on right under our noses?

What were the environmental concerns to drilling off the two coasts that caused the original ban?
That's why if Congress would open up off shore drilling, it would not go to us. It would be sold for the highest price on teh World Market. NEOCONS fail to see that.

What were the environmental concerns to drilling off the two coasts that caused the original ban?a fear that it would affect the marine life and the possiblity of an oil spill would ruin the beaches around the sites
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