Monday, January 30, 2012

Does anyone know exactly what you do in environmental engineering?

i am thinking of becoming an environmental engineer but i want to know what they do exactly and if they get to invent things to solve problems in the environment like pollution.Does anyone know exactly what you do in environmental engineering?A few categories that come to mind are:

Water Supply or Pollution Control - for treating drinking water and processing wastewater

Landfills - liner design, leachate collection and treatment, methane extraction, cap design and closure sequencing

Wetlands - preservation or creation of wetlands, designing mitigation banks, river and stream restoration

The last one is definitely a growing field due to increasing governmental regulations.Does anyone know exactly what you do in environmental engineering?They deal with alot with like water treatment plants. They basically figure out with the science of how to create clean water for people to drink. That is why if you live in places like buffalo and if the water treatment plant is at like 50% capacity thats why you have to boil your water so it would be safe to drink it... You have to thank an environmental engineer for that.

You figure out also for industrial plants on how high they should make their smoke stacks so the pollution would diffuse out and everything. More along the lines if an industrial plant opens up what that effect would have on the surrounding environment have on an environment.

Another process you would work in is waste water treatment. Pretty much like water treatment but with waste. But typically they are the same thing.

You also might deal with landfills and the impact they have on a surrounding area and what to do with water run-off ect.

That is all I have and that is what I got out of my environmental engineering class.

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