Monday, January 30, 2012

What is the true cause of climate change?

Billy:And the origin of everything is overpopulation, which, however, neither humanity nor the responsible scientists, authorities and governments want to accept as true.

The more humans there are, the bigger become the entire environmental problems of interpersonal relationships, humans living together, illnesses, epidemics and criminality as well as wrongdoing and wars, and so forth.

And what is resolved, and eventually implemented, regarding climate protection and so forth, ends in a farce because the responsible ones are so stupid that they cannot think into the future, consequently, they do not see that their resolved and perhaps implemented measures, are only a drop of water on an ever increasingly hot stone.

That is therefore so, because, in the time in which the measures eventually become reified, Earth's population increases by hundreds of millions again, and thereby naturally also all the problems, whereby the implemented measures to protect the environment already become worthless before they have even only begun.

All the responsible ones are too stupid and narrow-minded to recognize that help in regard to the protection of the environment can thereby only be provided when the resolved measures, or the measures yet to be resolved, for the protection of the environment and the protection of the climate, and so forth, are only useful in association with a regulation for a global halt to births.

But as long as this is not recognized and is not implemented, so climb the problems of the destruction of the environment, energy problems, illnesses, epidemics, criminality, wrongdoing, wars and family dramas, absent interpersonal relationships, race-hate, xenophobia, hate between and among humans and religious hatred and so forth.

In the same way, the general softening of the human also increases in regard to the quality of life and the alacrity regarding a willingness to work on anything worthwhile and lasting.

But overpopulation also brings with it, that the human's entire body suffers ever more from damage to its health, because it is ever more susceptible to it, and also, in regard to the inurement against suffering and illnesses, the human is ever softer and less capable of life, which often ends in cowardly suicide.

The quality of the affirmation of life sinks just as rapidly as also does the respect for life generally.

But the effects of overpopulation are also demonstrated by humans becoming ever more uneducated, and becoming addicted to evil vices, habits and degenerations, whereby the most common forms are especially alcohol, drugs, and excessive seeking of pleasure and craving for travel, as well as degenerated sexual cravings.

Parents ever more commonly leave their children undefended, allow them to starve and die of thirst, beat them to death, force them into prostitution or sell them, while in other families, conflict and strife, as well as battery and jealousy, rule between the marriage partners, which not seldom leads to the dissolution of the entire family through murder and homicide.

And still, ever more, only hate, profit-craving, strife, disharmony, bondage, vice, addiction, revenge and the like rule among the individual humans, among the peoples and even the entirety of humanity, because only few honestly concern themselves with love, peace, freedom, harmony and a valuable living-together for good interpersonal relationships and a creationally correct manner of living as well as for a good and deliberate evolution of the consciousness.

Out of that, it also results that for the majority of humankind, true love and friendship are only empty and worthless words, and yet only isolated humans are lovingly concerned about the wellbeing of their neighbor.

And what do the responsible ones of the governments do against all this evil? Nothing!

They only thirst after their high and far-overloaded stipends, however, undertake nothing valuable in order to discern the true facts of all the evil and to undertake anything truly effective to stop all the need and all the misery of humanity, as well as of nature, the environment, the climate and the planet.

They crank out only hollow and empty words, let their own life be a good one - and don't concern themselves even so much as a pinch of filth about all the countless problems.

billy meierWhat is the true cause of climate change?Bogus computer models feed faked data. That is why none of the forecast of global warming are coming true and the globe is actually cooling.What is the true cause of climate change?
The true cause of Climate Change is Greed, Alarmists created/invented the problem because of Greed.What is the true cause of climate change?Nature! The world has had climate changes for thousands of years. This golbal warming farce, is just something to make Al Gore money and make him look at least a little importent.What is the true cause of climate change?
Great industrial countries...What is the true cause of climate change?Al Gore and some other con men creating a new scam to make millions of dollars for themselves.
Nature.What is the true cause of climate change?
A huge ball of fire called the Sun.

This is the truth.
The Sun and MoonWhat is the true cause of climate change?
I don't know billy meier nor want to. It was a load of crap. There is something weird about those who think they are not a member of our species but somehow above it all. They think they can look and judge the world and people. I notice they never voluntarily eliminate themselves from this overcrowded world. They see everything through a negative light. Everyone is a victim or a monster. Instead of seeing the good in humanity, they pretend there is only misery.

Humans are wonderful creatures. We have a myriad adaptations which make us very special. We are the smartest and most intelligent. We are also giving, loving, and wise, not always but mostly. My family isn't anything like the monsters that he paints. Presumably his are and so I feel sorry for him but more than that, I feel disgust.
Since the beginning of time climate has always changed, like in, Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

The concept "Climate Change" is meant to confuse and mislead others into thinking it is the same as "Global Warmin", to use their colloquialism. Given that they ask about something little children know, you will be forgiven for thinking they mean to distract a serious matter into trivial nonsense. Ignore them, in time they will either learn or die off, hopefully without offspring, it might be genetic.
Climate change is a reality of life. It has always been with us. Ignoring such facts is foolishness.

The influences are many. Composition of the atmosphere is only one. Solar energy output fluctuates. We are living during a period that is neither warmer nor cooler than any on record.

Does mankind influence climate?

I believe it would be foolish to discount that likely factor. Can we reduce our influence? Probably.

Should we? That is another issue. Too often I've seen actions taken that made a situation worse. Unintended consequences are more likely than a good outcome. The complexity of the issue leads me to believe we should reduce all forms of pollution as much as we can and encourage those with the appropriate abilities to continue research in this matter until actual proof of the reality of the problem becomes available.

Most evidence indicates it is more of a political issue and a grab for power than it is an issue of safety or an influencing factor related to the health of all mankind. We live better when it is warm than when it is cold. We can't grow food on a glacier. Ice ages last a LOT longer than the warm periods, so regulating the environment should someday get to be a routine activity, but for now, it would be an exercise in foolishness.
"nor the responsible scientists"

Sorry, are you suggesting scientists are responsible for overpopulation, scientists have been warning for years that we are moving towards the point where population will reach limits for resources especially food and water.

Deniers on this site seem to think if they reference Malthus they have some how proved a clever point, when all they have really done is show their own scientific illiteracy. The man died almost 200 years ago log before mechanisation dramatically increased food production. A simple look at human population shows that for most of our history our numbers have been fairly low鈥?/a>

In just the last two centuries as medical knowledge and food production have greatly increased so has the population more than six fold. I think Malthis and later versions of his theory were only wrong in when this would happen, deniers try to twist statements into their pet nonsense about Govt control and euthanasia when all that is really required is common sense and self control.
the protection of the environment and the protection of the climate, and so forth, are only useful in association with a regulation for a global halt to births.

But as long as this is not recognized and is not implemented, so climb the problems of the destruction of the environment, energy problems, illnesses, epidemics, criminality, wrongdoing, wars and family dramas, absent interpersonal relationships
Climate change is a long-term change in the statistical distribution of weather conditions over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. May be a change in mean climate or a change in the distribution of time compared to an average, for example, more or less extreme weather events. Climate change may be limited to a specific region, or it may occur throughout the earth.

Some of the cause of climate change are as following :

* Atmospheric carbon dioxide variations.

* Variations in the Earth's orbital characteristics.

* Variations in solar output.

* Volcanic eruptions
I agree about overpopulation. Almost every environmental and human problem is made worse by overpopulation. Now what the Hell is up with people denying Global Warming?! The Earth isn't overall cooling. The cold water from the ice caps are making the planet cooler for a little while, slowing climate change, but it'll end some day. Our CO2 emissions are still having an effect and as for why the projections of heating aren't coming: As I said, it's about the cold ice-water which they didn't take into account. The satellites still show pictures of the ice receding and you deny that? Come on, get off your butts and help change. Why is it so hard for people to change some habits? Do you WANT to see thousands of species go extinct? You want to see more wars, flooding, tornadoes, more people dying of starvation and disease? Or do you want to prevent catastrophe and reverse our damage? Please people, look at the rest of the world. Hell, firemen and people in the icy areas understand GW firsthand. Why can't you?
Politics. There's a lot of political capital in convincing the voters that "Climate Change is the greatest moral challenge of our time." If it didn't exist politicians would have to make it up. Actually Al Gore has already done that, and his "Big Lie" has legs - who would have thought it would go this far?
The existence and technological development of mankind on this planet, period. Want to see a valid, economically viable method for "bioremediation" not geoengineering? Search for "The 5 Cornerstones" add the term "algae" next to it. Hint: #1 is Algae based biofuels.

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