Fossil fuels are not eternal. Conservation, and invention of new, less toxic fuels is necessary. Prime example...LA's smog levels. There are days that it is unsafe to go outside. Do you want that for your kids?
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GLOBAL WARMING-Politics vs. environmental problem?But seriously, Global Warming is a Natural disaster, just like Hurricanes, Tornadoes, earthquakes, Lightning , etc... How could you stop Global Warming if you can't stop Hurricanes, and everything else!GLOBAL WARMING-Politics vs. environmental problem?i think its a little of both. humans contribute to it, but i believe the earth is going to deteriorate and get old like anything elseGLOBAL WARMING-Politics vs. environmental problem?I don't know what to think anymore I would think its natural but its still badly polluted just the same %26amp; in bad shape from no trees etc %26amp; smoke %26amp; fumes causing problems %26amp; it needs to be helped edit typo
Politics is a different problem than Global Warming. You are making connections where there aren't any.GLOBAL WARMING-Politics vs. environmental problem?
The only things I am sure of.
Never trust a politician.
Never trust an extreme environmentalist
Some people seize any opportunity to make quick money
Probably the two extremes on this debate are
An Inconvenient Truth and The Great Global Warming Swindle. The truth lays (or lies) somewhere in between.
Up for debate is how far either way you sit.
Personally I think it at least makes sense not to waste our worlds natural resources. It does at least save you a few bucks.
If you want to have a negative carbon foot print than that is fine too.
If you want to use heaps of fuel,oil and power expect to be fiscally gouged by the respective companies.
Your life mate live it as you wish.
Global warming is 100% natural and has happened for millions of years.
Man's impact on this warming is 100% political and financial. There is big money in fear-mongering.
While the lefties and tree-huggers are always against capitalism, they sure know how to benefit from it.
Global warming fears will also be used to take away our freedoms. The Church of Environmentalism will try to force us to recycle, tell us what transportation methods we can and cannnot use (they will try to ban SUV's), and create new "sin taxes" on our carbon footprints.
Meanwhile, the gods of the Church will continue to be hypocritcal and fly in their private jets and live in their mansions around the world.GLOBAL WARMING-Politics vs. environmental problem?
Political is not quite right either, but closer. Obviously it is a lie, and they all know that, The left loves to raise taxes and penalize anyone who succeeds at anything. Therefore, if you are on welfare, watching Oprah all day, you most likely do not need a car or most other modes of transportation to get to work, so the left attacks your transportation as a source of revenue.
I think global warming is probably 75% natural, 25% human. I used to think it was all human, but i go to a government school and we watched An Inconvient Truth. i find it hard to think that with all we put into the air, humans have absolutley no effect. I forgot what it was, but i think it was around something hundred million tons of CO2 emitted each year. I can't remember the something part.
It's not a scientific debate, except on Yahoo answers.
The scientific evidence is clear. About 40 years ago, man took control of climate from the natural forces that historically caused climate change. (At least 80-90% of it) No other theory matches the observed data at all, this one is quite close. From the Source below:…
There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:…
And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:……
The bottom line:
"I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”
Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)
Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut and the first Commander of the Naval Space Command
Good websites for more info:…
"climate science from climate scientists"
earth is a lot older than our history of climate change is it has only been recently that we have started to track this event and i think some of the so called facts might show a different story if we track back a 100,000 years accurately i think it would show more of a natural climate change pattern...that being said our creativity towards working with nature is very primitive and needs a bit work..even if we are completely 100% not responsible for global warming we are very poor stewards of the enviroment....regardless of what anybody says everything we have ever done or invented [chemically] is still in our enviroment somewhere[air,water,soil] it has no place to go and even though we think we can protect ourselves by hiding it it will not go away [where do people think it will go??? outer space???]
Of course there is a political side to global warming. The scientific debate, among those who take the time to learn the science and understand the data, is essentially over.…
The scientific findings indicate that there is a significant chance that humans burning fossil fuels will do serious, possibly fatal, damage to the Earth. At that point, the politics start. Unfortunately, our civilization is based on the burning of fossil fuels, and many see the need to abandon fossil fuels as a challenge to civilization (or at least their way of life). The problem is very long term---the serious damage will not begin to occur for 100 years, and the period of maximum damage is perhaps thousands of years in the future. We must find the political will to totally change our civilization's infrastructure, which will no doubt require sacrifices that fall most heavily on the poor and disenfranchized, in order to preserve the lives of our great-great-great grandchildren. It's not going to be easy.
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