Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I am interested in helping the environment. What is the best major and school?

I want to do research to help stop the environmental problems because I really care about the environment. What would be the best major and university for this? I don't want to end up in some sort of city water tester job...I really want to be focusing on the bigger issues affecting our planet today. What would you recommend?I am interested in helping the environment. What is the best major and school?There is no best school or major for this goal. There are many aspects to environmental problems.

There are many ways to approach environmental problems:

1) Policy (how humans act);

2) Science/Engineering (the technology they use).

I would recommend becoming an expert in either if you really want to attack global problems. Not to discourage you, but working on global problems is not something you can likely do right away after graduating, so start with small projects and work your way up. The people truly effecting global environmental issues typically have many years of experience.

Examples of technology majors and what you might do with them that would help the environment:

1) Mechanical Engineering - design a more efficient car

2) Electrical Engineering - design more efficient electricity transmission;

3) Civil/environmental engineering - design better water treatment plants

4) Chemical engineering - design environmentally friendly solvents, environmentally friendly batteries, (or maybe the same as Civil/environmental.

5) Chemistry, physics, etc. - research clean energy alternatives, fusion, better solar power, cleaner fuels, etc.

A lot of these overlap.

On the policy side:

1) economics - incentives for recycling, green markets

2) business - investing in environmentally friendly companies

3) government - etc.

4) journalism - improve awareness by writing about environmental subjects.

5) arts degrees - look at Gore's film 'An Inconvenient Truth'

Basically, pick whatever you like and are good at and go for that and then use it to help the environment.

There is no single path to such an amorphous goal.I am interested in helping the environment. What is the best major and school?You could try environmental studies, but if you want to research the effects and stuff, that will usually take a Ph.DI am interested in helping the environment. What is the best major and school?Economics, Auburn University in Alabama. If you want to help the environment you have to understand why people have incentives and think it is in their interest to do things that might harm the environment, and you need to know how to give them incentives that help it instead.

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